Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fall...and Rise Up Again

Fall, fall, fall... It's all I seem to do sometimes. And I'm afraid it's the thing I focus on too much of the time. I seem to only be able to focus on the fact that I've sinned yet again against my Savior. But God tells us in His Word (Proverbs 24:16) that a righteous man falls seven times and rises up again. Seven times he falls. And yet he chooses to rise up again. Most of the time I feel like throwing in the towel and giving up. But God says that the one who rises up again, no matter how often he falls, is righteous! I fall many times. Many times. But as a child of God, I hate living in that sin. Thats a mark of being a true believer. That really hadn't been explained to me. I would always hear speakers say things that would make me think I wasn't a believer because I couldn't break a certain sin and continued to fall into it. Even though I hated it when I fell. Now if you're living in sin and loving it.. we have a different story. But a true believer, when he sins, will hate it, make it right, and will choose to rise up again and seek the Savior. 

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