Saturday, March 12, 2011

Burden for California

This will be short. Just going to share where my heart and burden lies. I'm starting to realize that my love for and desire to live in California is a God given desire. Really feeling that God wants me to plant a church there. Freaks me out.. But at the same time excites me like crazy. There is a huge need for churches out there. Ok ok I know you can pull the whole "They need churches everywhere Cam." Yeah but my passion and burden is for Cali and if that's where God has me then it's a sin to not go there. Straight up. Maybe He doesn't have that for me. But I know one thing that if I am not in His will then I will be miserable. Seems to be God's tool for getting people back onto His purpose and plans. But the reason I feel God may have me start a church out there is that I started a Bible study at the school I go to. It's been incredible to see how God has grown it over the year. Phenomenal stuff happens when you let God take the drivers seat. But anyways I'm not all about numbers but God has saw fit to have 45 people come. I tell you that to show you what He has done! But it's almost like I planted a little church here. Hear me out. Not trying to take the place a local church, but figuratively speaking its a mini-church (get it? the opposite of a mega-church..ok that was stupid) But yeah God has had us go through many difficulties and has taught me a ton about leading His sheep. Biggest thing is that I can't do it alone. Cause I tried. Probably out of selfish ambition, which always leads to a fall. Thats somewhere in Proverbs (Too tired to look it up..transparency time!) But God in His grace has used this Bible study to allow His sheep to learn more about Him and get somewhat in perspective how small we are in comparison to Him. To bring this back to my burden of Cali; I would ask you to pray for our Bible study. And that God would continue to teach me and the others how to better followers of Him, therefore becoming the leader He wants me to be. And that my heart would be open to what He has for me in the future and that I would pursue it wholeheartedly. So much for being short....

Much love,

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